How we’re funded
We are an independent, registered, Manx charity. We need to raise £1 million each year to provide our services. From first contact parental guidance, to targeted one to one support for a child and to group sessions for those needing alternative learning options. The majority of our costs is the investment in our skilled team of practitioners, their training and safeguarding. We keep all operational and administration costs to a minimum, ensuring any other investments of this nature, such as site improvements, are funded via specific projects.
Our aim is to make our services self-supporting by finding income from a wide range of sources. This includes; fundraising and voluntary income, grant making trusts, special events and some government funding for specific activities or projects.
The Children's Centre is subjected to an annual audit undertaken by independent auditors, appointed by, and reporting to, the Trustees. The auditor's report is attached to the companies' financial statements, which are filed at the charities and companies registry. We are proud to maintain an "unqualified" status. This means that the auditors are happy that the financial statements give a true and fair view of the financial position of the organisation, its financial performance, and are in accordance with the applicable standards, regulations and statutory requirements.
We believe that this provides assurance for our supporters that funds received are accounted for correctly and that there are controls in place to both receive and spend funds.

The Children's Centre Ltd. is a Company Limited by Guarantee
Registered Charity Number 921
Registered Office: The Children's Centre, Wallberry Farm, Old Castletown Road, Braddan, Isle of Man IM4 1AQ