12 days of Kidmas

The 12 days of Kidmas will show you what your donations go towards - each programme playing a vital part of what we do. We’re entirely funded by the generous support of our local community with 100% of money raised going directly to help children, young people and families on the Isle of Man.

Adventure therapy
Arts & Craft Therapy
Animals & Nature
Family & Life Skills

On the 12th day of Kidmass, we would like to sing

‘thanks to everyone’

11th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Eleven miles for walking’

10th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Ten things 3D printing’

9th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Nine plants for planting’

8th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Eight bikes for biking’

7th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Seven pots for throwing’

6th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Six ducks waddling’

5th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Five types of jam’

4th day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Four bright red kayaks’

3rd day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Three primary colours’

2nd day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘Two Hours of cooking’

1st day of Kidmass, my true love sent to me:

‘A kune kune pig called Rodeny’